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Here's What Traders Say about Dale


Just made a nice profit on VXX puts. This trading system is incredible when you know how to enter. Thank you very much again Dale for sharing this with us. Your patience with us is paying off good sir! 

Matt Teuschel


I wanted to share that Dale’s system and methodology really works. In July 2019 I saw this pattern with Boeing (BA). I was monitoring on Thursday and saw that the pattern had formed on the 10-minute chart and bought in at $0.05/per option.  Early Friday morning BA took off as the pattern indicated and I made 50x my initial investment. So powerful. 

Johanna Stiesmeyer

You have done it again on the LLL June 95 Puts! Bought OTM this morning and they immediately went ITM for a very quick, respectable profit. I am still very new but the divergence pattern looked very good to me so I took the trade with no hesitation because the hourly was straight down.

Mike Richards