Am I locked into a long-term Contract?
No. We offer our service on a month to month subscription basis as we believe we have to earn your business. There are no upfront costs.
Are there any additional fees for Support?
No. There are no additional for support over the monthly fee and no upfront fees. Does the Options Hunter provide advice? Neither The Options Hunter, its subsidiaries, officers, employees, representatives nor independent contractors are licensed, financial advisors. We strongly recommend that you consult with a licensed financial professional for all your financial advice.
What additional services are available?
We offer a number of additional educational services from seminars to our popular Expiration Friday service. Click on www.theoptionshunter.com for more details. How much experience is required?
A basic knowledge of charting, technical analysis, and options trading is beneficial.
Do I need to learn complicated pricing models?
We do not use any pricing models such as Black-Scholes or any other valuation method.
How reliable are the Patterns?
In a perfect world, every trade should be a winner. The success of any particular the trade is not the fault of the charts but rather the trader. It is a question of discipline to take the necessary action combined with the knowledge of the correct trade parameters, and knowledge coupled with the action when the correct pattern appears. If you learn the correct technique and act only when everything is in place you will always make a profit.
What are the most common mistakes?
New traders tend to over analyze the charts, instead of looking for the pattern using the preselected list of stocks. New traders lack the patience to wait for clearly defined patterns. The clearest patterns result in the highest returns with the least risk.
Why do you teach your methodology?
I began teaching when some investors asked me to explain my trading style. Ever since then I've been sharing my discovery with enlightened traders around the world. I enjoy showing people the extraordinary possibilities without enduring the hardship I did. I wish someone would've taught me how to avoid the pain of learning how to invest. As the saying goes "the harder the conflict the more glorious the triumph.
Hardware requirements
Windows XP or Vista1.0 GHz Processor (or faster) 1 Gb RAM (or higher)Internet Explorer 7+ or Mozilla Firefox 2.0+High speed internet – Cable, DSL, Wireless or SatelliteScreen Resolution: 1024 x 768 (or higher)
Macintosh-based Mac OS 10.4+1.0 GHz Processor (or faster)1 Gb RAM (or higher)Mozilla Firefox 2.0+High speed internet – Cable, DSL, Wireless or Satellite. Screen Resolution: 1024 x 768 (or higher)iPad, iPhone, Android devices Webinars and archives can be attended and viewed on Android and iOS devices by using the appropriate add-on app for your device. More info is available in the Members Live Webinar tab for your service. Adobe provides these apps and functionality. For questions using these plug-ins please refer to the appropriate support page at Adobe
What are Options?
Trading stock options is a much different game from trading the underlying stocks. When options are traded for appreciation, it is a game of leverage, with big risks and associated big returns. One of the attractions of trading options is that you do not need a large amount of starting capital. It’s also easy to play both sides of the market by purchasing call options for the upside and put options for the downside.
What is the MACD?
The MACDI is a two-component indicator based on two exponential moving price averages. Because of the early signals which can be derived from this indicator, it is regarded by many analysts as helpful in the trading of stock options.
The first component of the MACDI is a line which represents the difference between two moving averages, each computed for a different period of time. This first component is called the Price Phase Line. The second component, which is called the Signal Line, is an exponential average of the first component.
The two lines are charted together on the same timescale. The Price Phase Line is the upper line during upward price movements and the lower line during downward movements. The Signal Line, being an average of the Price Phase Line, is the lower line during upward moves and the upper line during downward moves.
As a general rule, it is considered bullish when the Price Phase Line is rising and is above the Signal Line. Conversely, it is bearish when the Price Phase Line is falling and is below the Signal Line.
Buy and sell signals are generated by the crossing of the two lines. In general, a buy signal occurs when the Price Phase Line crosses from below to above the Signal Line. A sell signal is indicated when the Price Phase Line crosses from above to below the Signal Line.
Because of its smoothed nature, this indicator can be helpful in highly volatile markets such as the options market. Although generally less effective in narrow, trendless markets, it provides good signals during widely swinging trading ranges and at the conclusion of strong trends.
MACDI is especially valuable for its ability to signal a turnaround following a sharp decline. In this situation, divergences are particularly significant and often predate important market bottoms. Divergences pertain to trends and occur when the trend of price action and the trend of an indicator are in opposite directions.
In addition to trend breaks, divergences, and Signal Line crossings, it is important to watch for overbought and oversold levels. When the MACDI rises above a certain level, the ticker is in an overbought region and a reversal is likely. The same is true in the oversold direction.
What is the right price pattern?
The V bottom is a V-shaped bottom as the name suggests. The dip is very sharp. It is due to the irrationality of actors leading to a steep fall that will be corrected just after. The V bottom occurs most often in a downward trend and often signals a trend reversal.
The V top is a V-shaped top as the name suggests. The top is very sharp. It is due to the irrationality of actors leading to a steep incline that will be corrected just after. The V-shaped top occurs most often in an upward trend and often signals a trend reversal.
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