My Story
Who is the Options Hunter?
Hi, my name is Dale Wheatley
I'm also known as The Options Hunter. I realize that when most people hear the term "1,000 percent return," they automatically assume it is a scam. However, 1,000 percent-plus returns are common when you learn to trade out-of-the-money (OTM) options.
These significant returns can happen in just a few days or even hours. Such extraordinary returns are not limited to one specific stock or ETF. For example, all the major index options including, SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY),
have seen multi-1,000 percent returns in short periods. Many related stocks and options, also frequently experience similar returns.

When you buy options, your risk is limited
to the amount of money you invest plus any small commission you may pay to buy the options at your chosen brokerage, but your potential percent return is unlimited.
To understand the power of these returns, consider that most banks currently pay less than 1 percent APR on CDs and far less on savings and money market accounts in the United States.
It would take 1,000 years to earn a 1,000 percent return, but inflation would severely erode your purchasing power over that time. In financial circles, the "rule of seventy-two" is used to determine how long it takes to double your money. For instance, with a 3 percent return, your money would double every twenty-four years.
However, with inflation and taxes, your real purchasing power would actually decrease.
No other investment vehicle offers such enormous potential!
Think about waiting twenty-four years to double your money, when OTM options can generate substantial returns in just a few days without losing purchasing power.
No other investment vehicle offers such enormous potential! Practically every day, options can move significantly when their price foundation is jolted into motion by something visible in a chart pattern.
Most people studying fundamentals like earnings, PE ratios, and analyst opinions rarely understand the true factors that move prices. Information from television, radio, the Internet, or financial publications often seeks to explain price movements based on world events or analyst explanations, but these rarely predict price movements accurately.
The easiest way to ensure financial health is with high returns and low risks, which come from understanding why prices move..

As humans, we are generally slow to change
For example, it took the NFL many years to mandate the wearing of helmets, despite the clear need for player protection. Similarly, in the early 1900s, San Francisco outlawed motor vehicles due to fear of disrupting horse-drawn conveyances.
People are often reluctant to depart from what has always worked in the past, even when it is not effective. Albert Einstein defined insanity as doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
This is often true in financial trading, where people continue using ineffective strategies instead of adopting new, proven methods..
Understanding what makes prices move justifies trading options for high leverage
If you have ever traded in the stock market, you know the frustration of trying to time entries and exits correctly. Understanding what makes prices move significantly justifies trading options for high leverage. The key is to recognize technical patterns that create price movements necessary to achieve high returns.
This requires practice and a willingness to question and change ineffective trading techniques. The easiest way to recognize consistently powerful patterns is to focus on a few ticker symbols rather than many.
Short-term and long-term chart patterns produce different duration price changes, but both can lead to significant returns.

My journey began as a contractor, traveling the country
and seeking a more stable financial opportunity. I turned to stock trading and eventually found my way to options, which offered limited risk and unlimited potential for gains.
Through years of study, experimentation, and learning, I discovered the value of the MACD indicator for reliable trading decisions.
I concentrated on perfecting my entry and exit strategy using this indicator, incorporating various time frames to enhance its effectiveness.
I began teaching others about my trading style and have since shared my knowledge with people around the world.