Options Hunter Blog

Even on quiet market days there's money to be made

Sep 27, 2023
Today, September 27, 2023, the market has been on a down tear but midway through the day the signs of a turnaround were apparent. On the 15-minute chart of the QQQ there was a modest MACD divergence to the upside, not our usual clean pattern, but still signs a turnaround was in the works.
Buying the QQQ 364 calls expiring today 9/27, could be had for around a dime. Exit within 60 minutes for just under 39c. 3+ times your  money. Not our best pattern ever but still not bad for 60 minutes.
The markets are at a pivotal point moving down, will the September effect continue?
The rally appears over and the Russell 2000 is performing much worse and still in a bear market. UVXY is up almost 50%. There lies a great opportunity for our options trading.
This October is your opportunity to be in the midst of events by joining Dale in his Live Trading Hours Zoom session
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