Options Hunter Blog

The UVXY tells us  there's money to be made

Sep 14, 2023


 Dale tweeted about the September 5, 2023 action on UVXY

 "See, you cannot WAIT for the price to move! You’ve got to believe in the charts and what they say about the price! Does it belong higher or lower? Not, where it is!! What did the 30 min UVXY chart say yesterday late in the day?? Did the lower time frames confirm it???"



UVXY began moving up sharply the last hour of the trading day 09.05/23. We know this increase in volatility can lead to a fall in the markets. In that last hour of trading, SPY began moving down.



Selecting OTM Puts on SPY expiring on 09/06/23, the 443 Puts could be picked up for @2c late on 09/05/23 or early on 09/06/23. These Puts moved up to @30c exit within 3 hours for 10x your money.



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